Co-fondatrice de La Maison Perchée 🔗
Directrice Artistique, Designer, Chargée des Contenus
La Maison Perchée est une communauté accompagnant les jeunes adultes touchés par un trouble psychique, ainsi que leur entourage pour bien-vivre au quotidien, et créer une société inclusive.
→ Une plateforme en d'accompagnement en ligne comptant 1000 adhérents.
→ Des actions pour une meilleure compréhension et appréhension de ces maladies.
→ Des contenus en collaboration avec institutions publiques et médias de société.
→ Un programme de destigmatisation en Entreprise & en École :
intervention de jeunes actifs vivant avec un handicap afin de donner des clefs
concrètes d'action pour agir pour la santé mentale et l'inclusion de la différence.
Illustration & Rédaction freelance 🔗
Au travers de contenus documentaires, de récits de vie ou de fictions, je dessine et j'écris pour des causes qui me tiennent à cœur: l’action sociale et solidaire, la représentation et l’inclusion de la diversité, le handicap visible et invisible, la prise de parole des minorités, l’accès au soin et l’épanouissement mental.
Designer multimédia au service de l’humain.
Créatrice de contenus, supports et programmes pour répondre à des enjeux sociaux et éthiques et favoriser une société diverse, équitable et inclusive.

Je pense des solutions, dessine et écris pour des causes qui me tiennent à cœur: l’action sociale et solidaire, le handicap visible et invisible, la prise de parole des marginalités, l'accès à ses droits, l’accès à l'information et au soin, et l’épanouissement individuel et l'évolution de la société.

Design Thinking
& Strategic Development
7 years experience in solving problems through design thinking methods.
Work with & for
Design studios : LustLab, Normally, CraigWalker, Meaningful, LabelFamille.
Non Profits: La Maison Perchée
Companies: Facebook, Numa, BNP Paribas, Renault, TBWA, AccorHotel

Editing & Writing
Freelance Journalism
for Usbek & Rica & Urbania.
Content creation for the GHU Paris CJAAD on Psychiatric Afflictions.
Design & Academic
Design Thinking Articles for TTC Labs
Articles for the CNIL innovation blog
Academic: Highest Honours Thesis

Workshops & Talks
Delivered keynotes at tech events including Facebook, Viva Tech (Paris), Blend Web Mix (Lyon) & La Ptite'Conf. Co-ran & took part in over 30 design workshops, tech events & round-tables.
Topics covered include :
Design Ethics, Inclusive Design, Handicap at Work, Women in Tech, Woman Leadership, Trans-disciplinarity, Impostor Syndrom.

Course Development: Masterclass
for ESAD Higher National School or Art & Design post-master (ongoing).
Design Ethics & Digital Design Masterclass & Conferences : La Cantine Nantes, EM Lyon, Startup Palace, Marseille Innovation.

Analog Practice & Illustration
Print Design
Screen Printing
Stop-Motion Animation
Illustration Work for Facebook Events & Internal, Airbus, Julla, La Maison Perchée.

Digital Proficiency
Adobe Creative Suite
Sketch, Figma, Origami
GSuite - Keynote - Notion - Slack
Blender 3D
Madmapper & Resolume Arena
Processing & Arduino

Hybrid Practice
Laser Cutting
3D Printing
3D Mapping
Digital Milling
Photo & Video

Explorative Practice

Human Languages

Machine Languages
Javascript, Jquery
Design Thinking | Product Design | Explorative Practice
My range of skills include: context analysis, user-research, sketching, prototyping, designing & running end-to-end design processes to drive teams for success.
Depending on what is to solve, I deliver both design product & design structure frameworks.
My work-scope ranges from designing modular co-working spaces, to leading product design teams, to building Data Innovation Programs for Startups.
7 years experience in Product Design, Print, Multimedia & In-Situ Installations.
5 years experience in solving problems through Design Thinking Methods.
4 years experience in Building
& Managing Design Programs.
Design in Practice | from Art Direction to Execution
I have expertise in :
→ Art Direction, Graphic Design, Visual Identity
→ Multimedia Design, UX & UI Design & Interactive Installation
Outputs formats will depend on the need and can be: a product, a prototype, a toolkit, a visualisation, a narrative, an installation, a research finding report.
10 years experience
in Design Work for both analog & digital application.
Product Design
Graphic Design
Multimedia Design
Illustration & Animation
I have a passion for story-telling, I use multiple techniques to translate a feeling, an idea, a concept, bring new perspectives & information to the viewer. I cultivate a personal practice as it brings me joy as well as for clients including : Usbek & Rica, L'Oréal, Airbus, La Maison Perchée, TBWA, Facebook, L'institut National de Psychiatrie, le GHU de Paris.
10 years Illustration Practice
Multiple Techniques : hands-on drawing, vectorial creation, stop-motion, motion, 3D.
Content Creation | Writing & Visuals
Rédaction, vulgarisation de l'information, illustration & animation sont la palette d'outils que j'utilise pour créer des contenus engageant & pédagogiques. Je créé aussi bien des schémas descriptif que des visuels abstraits pour illustrer des choses aussi complexes que les émotions ou des phénomènes scientifiques. En Français & en Anglais.
Je créé des contenus pour servir la lutte contre la désinformation & les stigmas, les droits numériques, la transparence technologique, le design, l’action sociale et solidaire, le handicap visible et invisible, la santé mentale.
5 ans d'experience en rédaction de contenus académiques et d'articles.
→ Groupe Hospitalier & Universitaire de Paris | Hôpital Sainte-Anne
→ Usbek & Rica
→ Commission Nationale de L'informatique & des Libertés (CNIL)
→ Trust Transparency & Control Labs
→ Urbania
Design Events | Workshops | In-Situ Installations
I am anti-disciplinarian & cross-collaboration type of designer: bringing people together to challenge preconceptions, deep-dive into problems & come-up with unexpected, well-thought solutions to solve for complex challenges.
I build & run various coworking set-ups : ideating sessions, workshops, conferences, design events or end-to-end conception programs. I enjoy taking part in the entire endeavour : identifying questions to be tackled & how to do so, finding the right people to bring together, designing the right tools, space set-up & activities.
Over the past 4 years,
I've co-designed, organised
& ran over 20 events & workshops in 10 different countries across 5 continents.
7 years experience in Product Design & In-Situ Space Installations
Programs | Talks | Masterclass
Eager to spread insights I've gathered over the years, discuss with people that will challenge them & to share knowledge, experiences & learn from others I've taken part in multiple roundtables, given talks & very much enjoy hosting masterclasses & mentoring.
Whether it's on a stage or a classroom, knowledge sharing is what brings meaning to my work.
We've worked together

